perlgolf hole - Hex to Char

Hole type: subroutine

Write a subroutine which, given a string consisting entirely of hexadecimal digits, converts pairs of digits to their ASCII character equivalents and returns the result as a list of characters. The hexadecimal digits A-F may appear in upper or lower case. There will be an even number of digits in the string.

('P', 'e', 'r', 'l', ' ', 'h', 'a', 'c', 'k', 'e', 'r')


sub hole {grep$_=$_&&chr hex,split/(..)/,pop}34
sub hole {$_=pop;s/../chr hex$&/ge;/./g}29
sub hole {map{chr hex}pop=~/../g}22
sub hole {split//,pack'H*',@_}19
sub hole {(pack'H*',@_)=~/./g}19
sub hole {$_=pack'H*',@_;/./g}19


Ronald came up with this hole because he wanted to be clever with split and grep. Then someone posted one of the pack solutions. Doh! But he redeemed himself slightly by coming up with another of the pack variants shown above.